Plastina authors article
An article authored by Associate Professor Alejandro Plastina appears on Plastina wrote the article "Cover-Crop Acres Up in Texas, Stagnant Across Rest of the South" with Wendiam Sawadgo, an assistant professor at Auburn.
In the article, Plastina and Sawadgo state that "Between 2017 and 2022, there has been a significant change in cover-crop adoption across the southern states. Texas saw the largest increase in cover-crop area in the US, adding over half a million acres, corresponding to a 1.9 percentage-point increase as a percentage of 2022 cropland. The remaining states in the South combined for a net increase of just fifty-thousand cover crop acres. This was largely due to the disadoption of the practice, as six states observed decreases in cover-crop acreage from 2017-2022."
(Released May 2024)