
Plastina publishes in Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Associate Professor Alejandro Plastina published in the most recent issue of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. Plastina authored the article "Does grazing winter cereal rye in Iowa, USA, make it profitable?" with Jyotsna Acharya and Alison Robertson of Iowa State's Department of Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Microbiology and Fernando Mauri Marcos, Md. Rasel Parvej, and Mark Licht of Iowa State's Department of Agronomy.
The article evaluates the short-run private net returns to producers implementing a cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop preceding the no-till corn (Zea mays L.) phase of a US Midwest corn–soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) rotation in an integrated crop and cow–calf operation.

Does grazing winter cereal rye in Iowa, USA, make it profitable?
A. Plastina, J. Acharya, F.M. Marcos, M.R. Parvej, M.A. Licht, and A.E. Robertson
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 38:E45

(Released November 2023)