Cheng, Lee receive Best PhD Dissertation Award

CARD Director John Crespi announced Drs. Nieyan Cheng and Jiwon Lee as recipients of the CARD Award for Best PhD Dissertation in Agricultural, Environmental, and Energy Economics Policy for 2023. Cheng and Lee will both receive a $500 prize, and will have their names added to the Dissertation Award winners plaque in the CARD suite in Heady Hall.

Cheng was recognized for her dissertation "Three essays on agri-environmental policy and hazardous materials," which consists of three chapters related to policy evaluation, a political economy model-building as well as the estimation of treatment effects.

Lee was recognized for her dissertation "Stated preferences on foreign animal disease outbreaks and prevention measures," which empirically examines consumer perceptions of foreign animal diseases and their preferences for intervention measures to prevent outbreaks.

Congratulations to both!

(Released April 2023)