Winters publishes in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Professor John Winters published in the most recent issue of Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. Winters authored the article "Resource Booms, State Economic Conditions, and Child Food Security" with Seung Jin Cho, associate research fellow at Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, and Professor Brent Kreider, also of Iowa State University. Their article uses the fracking era oil and gas boom of the early 2000s as a natural experiment to examine the importance of state economic conditions for child food security and finds that increases in oil and gas labor income improve child food security, especially for children with less educated parents and those residing in single-mother households.
Resource Booms, State Economic Conditions, and Child Food Security
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Seung Jin Cho, Brent Kerider, John V. Winters
(Released October 2022)