
Elobeid publishes in Nature Food

Teaching Professor Amani Elobeid published in the most recent issue of Nature Food. Elobeid authored the article "Trade scenarios compensating for halted wheat and maize exports from Russia and Ukraine increase carbon emissions without easing food insecurity" with CARD faculty collaborators Miguel Carriquiry and Jerome Dumortier. Carriquiry is Professor in the Instituto de Economía at Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay and Dumortier is Associate Professor in the Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis. Their article present scenarios of reduced exports and production due to the Ukraine/Russia war that could increase maize and wheat prices by up to 4.6% and 7.2%, respectively.

"Trade scenarios compensating for halted wheat and maize exports from Russia and Ukraine increase carbon emissions without easing food insecurity"
Miguel Carriquiry, Jerome Dumortier, Amani Elobeid
Nature Food

(Released September 2022)