Chen, Luo, Sawadgo receive CARD Dissertation Award

Yulong Chen, Jinjing Luo, and Wendiam Sawadgo were announced as winners of the sixth annual CARD Award for Best PhD Dissertation in Agricultural, Environmental, and Energy Economics Policy.

Chen was recognized for his dissertation "Three Essays on Human Capital in China," Luo was recognized for her dissertation "Essays on Differentiated Products in Oligopoly Markets," and Sawadgo was recognized for his dissertation "Land Tenure, Agri-environmental Policy, and Land Tenure in Iowa."

Typically, only one winner is chosen; however, this year the selection committee felt that Chen, Luo, and Sawadgo all deserved recognition for their work. Each winner will have their name inscribed on the awards plaque in Heady 578, and each will receive a $500 honorarium.

(Released March 2021)