COVID-19 Pandemic: Research and Resources - Researchers in the Department of Economics and the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development at Iowa State University are examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on local, regional, and global economies.

COVID-19 Research and Resources

Press Releases


US-China Trade and COVID Impacts in China

Analysis from the Program for the Study of Midwest Markets and Entrepreneurship

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Graphs, Tables, and Charts

Iowa map showing Community Mobility Reports data

Community Mobility Reports
These maps highlight the percent change in visits to places like grocery stores and parks within a geographic area.

Iowa Unemployment Measures graph

Iowa Unemployment Measures
This chart shows unemployment measures in Iowa, including initial claims, continued claims, and total unemployment.

Beef and Pork Price Spreads graph

Beef and Pork Price Spreads
This data set provides monthly average price values, and the differences among those values, at the farm, wholesale, and retail stages of the production and marketing chain.

Impact of COVID-19 on Iowa Cattle and Hog Prices

Impact of COVID-19 on Iowa Cattle and Hog Prices
This tool estimates the total loss to Iowa’s fed cattle, calf, feeder cattle and hog prices due to COVID-19.

preview of the COVID-19 U.S. Dashboard from the Department of Statistics

COVID-19 U.S. Dashboard from the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University
This tool provides a 7-day forecast (updated daily) and a 4-month forecast (updated weekly) of COVID-19 infected and death count at both the county level and state level.