Midwest Feeds Consortium: Final Report, The

Anthony C. Ostrowski, Paul Brown, Rolando F. Flores, Robert Summerfelt, Keith Heffernan, Phillip Kaus, Paul Brown
January 1999  [99-SR 89]

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Suggested citation:

Ostrowski, A., P. Brown, R. Flores, R. Summerfelt, K. Heffernan, P. Kaus, and P. Brown. 1999. "Midwest Feeds Consortium: Final Report, The." Staff report 99-SR 89. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


The strategic intent of the Midwest Feeds Consortium (MFC) was to decrease the dependence of the U.S. agriculture and aquaculture feed industries on imported marine protein meals and to increase the utilization and export of plant and animal coproduct protein meals to the international aquaculture industry. Replacement of marine meals in feeds traditionally dependent on these protein sources with grains, oilseed, and animal coproduct protein meals common to the U.S. Midwest would be accomplished through innovative, value-added ingredient processing technology. Through systematic, integrated, industry-directed research to develop ingredient composition, quality, digestibility, and economic values, the U.S. and international feed industry would then be able to rapidly incorporate the findings into their ingredient and equipment-purchasing decisions. The work described herein drew heavily upon recommendations developed by the MFC workshop, which was the first United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded undertaking by the Consortium. The priority activities were industry linkages, ingredient processing, ingredient testing, and technology transfer. After the initial workshop, the Consortium underwent several changes in management structure, participants, and directions, which slowed progress considerably. In May 1997, a focus meeting was held in Des Moines, Iowa, between principal Consortium participants to modify priorities and reestablish timelines. The project reemerged with objectives designed to meet the priority issues of the project.