Production Efficiency in Ukrainian Agriculture and the Process of Economic Reform.

Lyubov A. Kurkalova, Helen H. Jensen
October 1996  [96-WP 167]

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Suggested citation:

Kurkalova, L.A. and H.H. Jensen. 1996. "Production Efficiency in Ukrainian Agriculture and the Process of Economic Reform." Working paper 96-WP 167. Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University.


A representative sample of 49 state and collective farms in Ukraine provides data in physical units on livestock and crop production and input use for 1989-92. The changes in production efficiency for beef, pork, dairy, winter wheat, grain, and potato production, investigated using stochastic frontier methods, show declining technical efficiency in livestock production and especially low marginal contribution of labor inputs. The number of workers, size of farm, and distance from nearest city are related to efficiency in agricultural production.

Keywords: technical efficiency, panel data, economies in transition, frontier production function