I_APEX Changes Log



5/2/2008 1) fixed bug so that all bad runs are listed in the final run window.

               2) added soils 5 id to soil name in the select soil box of the subarea edit window

               3) changed nonvarying curve number check box to edit box in tab 2 of run header edit


5/13/2008 fixed bug that caused fn and fp in the Yearly Output table always to be zero.


6/4/2008 1) allowed the writing of ID, Subarea Id, Said, and Year to Pesticide Output 2 table.

               2) split SWAT Output table into SWAT Output, SWAT Output 2, and SWAT Output 3.

               3) corrected read of .OUT file where WUEF overflows.


6/10/2008 1) eliminated SWAT Output 3 table and refigured SWAT Output and SWAT Output 2.

                  2) increased slope, channel slope, and USLE C for channel by one decimal place in subarea file.


6/20/2008 added Annual Watershed Output table to database containing data from .AWP file.


7/29/2008 added option to convert database output to English units.


8/5/2008 fixed read of .SUS file that was causing an infinite loop.


8/14/2008 fixed miscellaneous variables that weren’t being converted to English units when the convert

               option was selected


8/19/2008 added variables Rfn, Yln, Ylp, Btn, Btp, Ftn, Ftp and changed Yw to Ywnd in Annual

               Watershed table in database


9/4/2008 1) fixed problem of apex2110 being unable to open output files.

               2) made i_apex compatible with apex0604 by adding the following fields to the following tables in

                   the database:

Control Records:

                              Times Seeds Initialized

                              Select Directory

                              Auto Mow Interval

                              Use SOT Files

                              Fraction Controlled by Ponds

                              Reach Channel USLE C Factor


                              Feeding Stock Pile Rate


                              Pipe Outflow Subarea Id


                              Auto Mow Min Interval

                              Fraction Subarea Controlled by Ponds


10/1/2008 added prebuild soil list checkbox in configuration window allowing initial reading of soils to be

               switched on and off.


11/19/2008 added variables Btc, Ftc, Btcsa1, Ftcsa1 and Rus2sa1 to Annual Watershed table in database


12/17/2008 1)In Annual Pesticide Output table of database Percolated N is changed to Percolation and

                       and Drainage N is changed to Drainage

                    2)In Organic C and N Output table fields Total Organic N and Total Organic C are filled.


12/18/2008 Added Fraction Field Capacity (FIRG) to Control Records table.


1/6/2009 added Elev at Emergency Spillway and Elev at Principal Spillway to Subarea table.


3/31/2009 allowed all records in .APS file to show up in Annual Pesticide Output II table despite zero    application rate.


5/6/2009 Fixed the read of .ACN file to correspond to addition of 2 variables to .ACN file table.


5/8/2009 Management table was not being closed. Corrected problem.


9/23/2009 Fixed miscount of crops when there is a fallow year causing a crop to be dropped.


11/9/2009 Added Auto P (IPAT) to Control Records table.


11/10/2009 Added Phosphorus Stress to Crop Yield Output table


11/17/2009 Fixed save SWAT file in run dialog box.


1/8/2010 Added Bpdpl and Fpdpl variables to Annual Watershed Output table.


1/11/2010 Fixed problem where run flagged as succeeded but did not finish.


2/1/2010 Added variable EPIC Kemanian Function to Control Records table and variables Urban Fraction of Subarea, Fraction Subarea Controlled by Buffers and Buffer Flow Length to Subarea table for latest APEX0604


2/5/2010 Fixed Layer Up and Layer Down buttons in soil layer edit


2/18/2010 Added Salt Stress to Crop Yield Output table. Added Soil Salt Output table to database


3/8/2010 Added Irrigation Salt Concentration to Control Records table


4/5/2010 Added Pesticide Return Flow to Annual Pesticide Output 2 table


3/1/2011 Added editing for S Curve 25 through 29


3/25/2011 Changed labels and help windows for PARM54 and PARM55


6/30/2011 Changed number of decimal places for rr_floodplain_length (RFPL) in subarea file from 2 to 3

               Made I_APEX compatible with APEX0806 by adding the following fields to the database:

                              Control Records table

                                             Use Lat for Subareas

                                             Grazing Mode

                                             Duration of Rain

                                             Adjust Auto Irrigation

                                             Rfdt Filename

                              Subarea table

                                             Orientation of Slope

                              Management table

                                             Adjust Auto Irrigation

                              Parameters table


7/14/2011 Added output table Monthly Subarea Output to database to hold .MSA data for both apex2110 & apex0806


7/22/2011 Fixed problem of I_APEX not filling the Monthly Subarea Output table

8/17/2011 Added Bslt and Fslt to Annual Watershed Output table; APEX2110 will fill these fields

9/27/2011 Added batch read of .SOT files for both APEX2110 and APEX0806. Added PARM86 value to      Parameters table of sample database


1/23/2012 Added Lvid, Manid, Parmid and Subid to Control Records table. Added Fopid to Subareas table.  Dropped Subarea Id from Field Operations table. Lvid points to Livestock records, Manid to Mangement records Parmid to Parameters records, Subid to Subareas records and Fopid to Field Operations records.


2/14/2012 Reversed changes made 1/23/2012. Returned to previous database structure

4/2/2012 Added Field Length, Field Width, and Angle Field to Subareas table  for APEX0806. Fixed read

of various output files for APEX0806. Changed format of field operations file.


6/8/2012 Changed I_APEX to write Bpdpl, Fpdpl, Bslt and Fslt to Annual Watershed Output table for APEX0806


6/13/2012 Fixed error in writing site file and daily weather file name for APEX2110. Fixed op change screen for APEX0806


6/15/2012 Fixed read error of .OUT (daily weather filename) which caused I_APEX to crash


6/20/2012 Fixed read error of final soil array of .OUT file


11/27/2012 Added names to field operations display box in Subarea edit window and subwindows Change and Add


12/14/2012 Corrected the writing of Parm92 through Parm96 for APEX0806


2/13/2013 Changed field Daily Manure Application Code to Auto P Code in management table of database


2/14/2013 Fixed reporting of Applied N and Applied P in Crop Yield Output table for APEX0806


2/26/2013 Fixed writing of area in Average table. Changed PARM editing from APEX2110 to APEX0806 definitions


3/13/2013 Fixed writing of FN and FP in the Yearly Output table


4/4/2013 Changed Parameter table of database to include Parm93 and Parm94 and moved old Parm92 through Parm96 to Cost1, Cost2, Cost3, Cost4 and Cost5. Changed Annual Watershed Table to include Ythsd and Ywthd.


7/22/2013 Changed Change button in configuration window to set the executable name.


9/12/2013 Fixed multiple run feature to use correct executable name.


11/12/2013 Added QDRP to the output variables.csv file


3/7/2014 Changed I_APEX to require the iApexHelp.csv file to be in the same directory as the database


3/19/2014 Added help for the APEX variables DIAM, ACW, PCO0, RFN0, ANGL,

FL, FW, FNP5, IDF3, SFLG, PARM(93) and PARM(94). Replaced bad apex0806.exe. Changed Application Category, Nutrient Rate and Application Timing in the Control Records table to Run Attribute 1, Run Attribute 2 and Run Attribute 3 respectively.


3/26/2014 Added Parm95 and Parm96 to the Parameters table of the database


4/9/2014 Added Real Time Day of Year to Control Records table and TCEM and STIR to Operations table of database. Fixed problem of parameter edit fields disappearing. Created new iApexHelp.csv file.


4/25/2014 Changed output_variables.csv to allow the selection of IRGA.


5/14/2014 Fixed I_APEX to write herd file and allow herd edits for APEX0806


8/11/2014 Fixed edit of parm95 and parm96 and added edit for power parameter


9/2/2014 Fixed problem with writing to the Organic C  and N table. Added USLEa1 and Ywnda1 to the Annual Watershed Output table. Added choice of APEX1307 to Configuration window.


12/9/2014 Fixed problem with iaherd.dat being written when running back to back single runs.


2/18/2015 Added Qdrp to Annual Watershed Output table


4/8/2015 Changed I_APEX to read the .OUT file correctly


8/6/2015 Added Fc, Wp, Sw10, and Rzsw to the Yearly Output table and Soil Water10 and Rootzone Sw to the Monthly Subarea Output table in the database. Changed I_APEX to read the annual soil table in the .OUT file requiring Print Code in Control Records table to be 4. In addition, the Soil Water and Soil Bd fields in the Yearly output table now record annual values.


8/7/2015 Fixed problem of reading .OUT file.


9/3/2015 added Tpthd to Annual Watershed Output table of database


9/11/2015 Added Parm97 to Parameters table of database


10/8/2015 Replaced Soil Water10 with Plow Depth Soil Water in the Monthly Subarea Output table of the database


10/16/2015 allowed correct sorting of operations with ids > 1000 in editing window


2/26/2016 deleted erroneous state variable 18 from iaprnt.dat file for non APEX1307 versions of APEX


2/15/2017 Added [HPERC or HPERC1], [Hay Feeding], [Vertical Crack], [Horizontal Crack], [P2 Bulk Density1], [P2 Bulk Density2] and [P2 Bulk Density3] to Control Records table of database


4/10/2017 Added Grzd and Hay to Yearly Output table


5/9/2017  Updated Parameter table description to fit APEX1307 as well as parameter labels in I_APEX editing windows. Updated iApexHelp.csv.


8/25/2017 Changed Fertilizer Auto Rate Depth to Fertilizer Auto N Rate in Management table of database